Wednesday 20 June 2012

Chynna's Yummy Kulfi


Full cream milk - 21/2 cups
Condensed Milk - 1/2 cup
Milk powder - 1/4 cup
Cardamom Powder - 1/2 tsp


Step 1 : Combine all the ingredients except cardamom powder , in a pan & bring to a boil

Step 2 : Now add the cardamom powder & lower the flame

Step 3 : cook for 10 Min's till the mixture thickens

Step 4 : Allow to cool completely

Step 5 : Pour into Kulfi moulds & freeze till firm.

Yummy kulfi is ready in a jiffy..Its so simple, kids can make it. At our house Chynna enjoys making & tasting .:)kulfi

TIPS : low fat milk also can be used