Monday 2 September 2013



Raw rice - 2 cups

Yeast - 1/4 tsp ,(2-3gms) mixed in luke warm water

Fenugreek seeds - 1/2 tsp ( optional )

Coconut - half cup

Sugar - 2-3 tsps

Urad dhal - 3tbs ( optional )


Step 1 : Soak raw rice & fenugreek seeds for 2-3 hours

Step 2 : grind to raw rice, coconut scrappins & sugar to dosa batter


Step 3 : mix 1/4 tsp yeast in water & mix with the batter & leave it to ferment


Day 2 : in the fermented aappam batter add salt & some coconut milk or water if its thick till it gets the right consistency .

Pour in aapa kadai , cover with lid & cook . serve with veg stew & coconut milk.

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