Friday 24 February 2012

Cooker Cake


Flour -- 1 cup
Sugar -- 1 cup ( white or dermarera sugar (brown)
Oil -- 1/2 cup
Vanilla Essence -- 2 tsp
Egg -- 2
Baking powder -- 1/2 tsp


Step 1 :Mix all wet ingredients & sugar first.Sieve flour & baking powder together & add with the wet ingredients. In a vessel (pref , aluminium ) rub with oil & pour the cake batter & keep aside.

Step 2 : In a pressure cooker, place the vessel with cake batter directly  & cook in slow fire. Do not pour water at the bottom of the cooker or place the cooker plate. After 20 mins check with wet tooth pick to see if the cake's ready. Keep checking periodically till the tooth pick comes out clean.

Easy Tea Cake Ready.

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