Tuesday 17 January 2012

Onion Chutney

Onion Chutney


Big red onions  -- 5nos
Dry red chilly   -- 7 nos or according to taste
Garlic pods       -- 3nos
Urad dhal         -- 2tbs
Asafoetida         -- 1/2 tsp (optional)
Tamarind           -- marble round sized
Salt                    -- to taste


In little oil saute in the following order, urad dhal, dry red chilly, asaf, garlic & onion till color turns transluscent & salt. switch off stove & add tamarind.After it cools , grind n mixture or blender to a paste.. seosoning optional.
Goes well with all kinds of roti's , idli , dosa & can also be used as sandwich spread..

P.S : can also add 1 tomato .

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